Changes coming to the homepage

A few things we want to change over the next month are:

  • Updating the blog more often
  • Give sellers more ways to promote their projects on Tindie

So what we are going to do is move the blog onto the homepage to show off more of the activity that is going on.

  • Highlight new products with great description
  • When products come back in stock
  • Great reviews
  • Meetups & events around the world

For sellers that would like to get extra traffic, we’ll have a way for sellers to submit tutorials / projects that link back to their products. Customers will get new project ideas and sellers can get new traffic. #winwin

This is something I’m going to start on tomorrow, but wanted to give everyone the heads up. Thoughts? Ideas?

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@emilepetrone I think this is a very great idea! Especially the tutorial add-on. This is - as for as I see - a very strong attracting aspect in the Element14 blogs and forums where users shares projects and all the circuit is based on the Element14 marketing mechanism.

If I can suggest a detail (better if the tutorials will be linked from the product page) there is something that I think is a bit difficult, or I have not found the right way. Suppose a user that knows me as reading the @balearicdynamic twitter posts or seeing the page. Everywhere I mention @Tindie and mention that the products are sold on the Tindie portal. Well, but I am obliged - as for as I know at the moment - to put the specific product link, because it seems there is no way to search the “shop” or the owner / creator. If it is, I don’t know where. Beside and consequentially to what mentioned above, I think that an optional top banner to the shop maybe useful in a lot of cases. But this is a secondary aspect.

Cheers and thank you for the great support you are providing to all.


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