Want some stickers to include with orders?

A few weeks back, I mailed a ton of stickers to Tindarians around the world. We can get more and send them to Tindie sellers from time to time to include with orders. Would any sellers like to include them with orders?

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I would. That would be awesome.

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Yes, i would like some.

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Yes please! People see my Tindie sticker and it’s a conversation starter to introduce more people to Tindie.

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I wouldn’t mind sticking one in the envelope, so long as they were free.

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Thanks to everyone for your addresses. I am sending out an envelope to you today!

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Yep totally - free for everyone \o/

Yeahhhh ! I want some !

I just sent you an email :slight_smile:

Is this free sticker offer only open to sellers?

I sent you a message :slight_smile:

I can has stickerz too?

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Yes, stickers are awesome.

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I would like to include a sticker, count me in.

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Do still have stickers available ? I would love to include them in the orders I send out.

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Yep just let us know and we can mail everyone some \o/

I have replied to everyone and stickers are on their way out. Keep responding if you want stickers and I will send you a PM for details on where to send :slight_smile: Thanks everyone!


Yes please! Love the logo and spreading awareness of the growing community.

Yes, sure, if possible I will email with the orders, I was just thinking to make something with badge by myself :smiley:

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Can I haz stickerz?
