Sum of product options stock = total product stock

This may be more of a feature request than question. What I would like to see is the ability for a product option stock update to impact the overall product stock.

If I sell Widgets in colors black and white, I should only have to manage the stock of the black and white versions and not the Widget product. The main product stock should be a cumulative stock of the versions/options.

I realize this doesn’t work for all product options, but maybe a check box, or the ability to add a section for product versions could fix this.

Updating inventory in two places is redundant unless I’m missing something.


If it’s there, I’m missing it too. What I did was set the main product stock to something absurdly high and let the options/variations stock handle the rest. Messes up the stock numbers on the dashboard but I already spend enough time managing Tindie and don’t want to give it much more.

The technology is out there (WooCommerce handles it fine, for example) so it’s a matter of it being able to be integrated into the platform. Seems like a trivial thing from the outside but if it wasn’t built with that purpose initially, it could end up being significant work to add in.

Thank you for your feedback! The options are currently set up this way as sometimes sellers offer extra parts, and not just variations on a product, which can often be a different stock amount.

I’ll pass your suggestions to our engineering team for further consideration.

-Armando A
Tindie Support

Maybe a “base option” option type and a separate “addon” option type, with the base types summing to the total. I have a number of base options on my encoders (8 per encoder model because customers asked and they sell…) at different price levels. Three issues arise with this other than having to keep two separate counts

  • Price differences are always positive, so you have to set the cheapest one as the base price. This is annoying but I can live with it.
  • in the product totals the value is listed as a multiple of the base price, not a total of all the options (I don’t use that number, partly because it is way off and it’s not really interesting anyway, I track my inventory elsewhere at cost)
  • worst one: when the quantity discount pricing is displayed to the customer, the value is based on the base price *not the price of the option currently selected" which is usually the default which is one of the more expensive ones. i.e. it say quantity 1-4 = $9.95 when the item is $19.95. That one is customer visible and really should be prioritized.

Would be great, because I have this issue very often, let me explain I have base products (PCB) then added 2 options but each option need 1 base product :

  • with connector soldered
  • with connector not soldered

This week again customer were not able to order when my stock was 24 units left just because products option was not in stock so we should have an option to set that total stock is the SUM of all the option stock.

For now I’m setting stock to 100, then option 1 to 10 and option 2 to 5 (example) to be sure but in this case I do not received alert on sold out

We really need this option to handle stock (even a check box on option saying “count this option in global stock” would be fine