ShipStation Integration

It would greatly streamline the Tindie seller workflow if we could get integrated with ShipStation.

Developer information can be found at

Perhaps the simplest option would be to implement an XML page formatted as described here: as the current Tindie API generated XML page is not compatible. This XML page could then be set up as a custom store in ShipStation.

Please strongly consider this request as there seems to have been very few improvements (any?) lately and it seems like the development side of the platform has stagnated.


Thanks for pointing out that documentation for Shipstation. Several sellers have asked for something similar.

Although this year we have spent a lot of time concentrating on maintenance and stability, we’ve also been working on the API for Products and Orders. We should have some news out about this in the new year!

it’s 2021 and this was posted in 2018, just wondering if there’s any momentum here.

It’s really, really tedious filling out 30 or so shipping labels by hand between tindie and canada post.

So, this week I wrote my own app to automate this. It pulls new orders from tindie, buys labels from canada post, prints them, then marks them as shipped on Tindie.

I think integration with ship station would be a good idea. However direct integration with canada post, USPS and other mail providers would be better in my opinion. Both options would be prefereed. All other platforms offer this. Etsy, Ebay, Shopify. One click label ordering.

All of those platforms work natively with ship station as well.

It took me a couple hours to make this work so it’s not a monumental task that you’d be taking on.

Your API only support fetching orders, it would be nice if it supported marking orders as shipped. Because you do not offer this my app has to spin up a headless Chrome instance and login, browse to the order, fill out the form and click shipped. It would be nice if an API call did this instead.

I am a software consultant. If you wish to outsource this work or simply consult on how to do it feel free to reach out to me and I can give you a demo of what I created, thanks!


I made a python script to do the same for canada post.

Tindie was recently acquired by Siemens something or other… I think there will be 0 new developments made.

once again, is there any updates on a refined solution for shipping multiple products than manually filling out 30 labels?

@armandoa: any progress report on integration?

The lack of staff engagement (other than closing topics) is pretty telling that Tindie is nearing EOL.

I really would love native shipstation integration with Tindie, it would make life so much easier.