Remember Download options

We must download new orders to then upload them into our shipping software. The process is tedious.

A few small changes would make it much easier and friendly:

  1. the download file is called “orders”. If the name appended the date (and time) then the name would be unique and we would not need to always edit the name before downloading.

  2. we always download CSV (not TSV). It would be great if the download used a cookie or web localstorage to remember the preferred download format.

  3. we always download “unshipped” orders. It would be great if the download used a cookie or web localstorage to remember the preferred download content.

Hey bradanlane,

Thank you for suggesting those enhancement requests. I’ll be sure to share your suggestions with dev ops to see if we can implement these changes within a future release. If you are having issue exporting your sales orders please connect with one of our agents at to further assist you.

We appreciate your feedback and cheers to the weekend,