It’s been almost a week without a sale. That’s the longest yet since starting here (a month today). I did get my first review though, so that’s cool. Maybe it’s slow for everyone but the main difference I notice on the site is the number of sales being displayed in each store. I like the transparency but a low number of orders certainly can’t instill buyer confidence. I wonder if it makes sense to change that to some threshold and say “less than 50 sales” or something like that.
Anyway, I decided to use this info to glean some metadata from Tindie about overall sales. My methodology was to scrape the index starting from home and then each product page. I was polite though with just one request at a time. I wanted to share some of the interesting info I’ve extracted in hopes that it will be useful to others. I’d be happy to the post the dataset and code used as well (json/node.js), as long as @emilepetrone is ok with it. The primary reason I caution is that scraping creates traffic and the site struggled at even 2 requests at a time (I only tried that briefly before taking it back down to 1). I can also withhold the scraping code if needed and share only the data and parsing code if that makes more sense.
Here’s what I’ve processed so far. Much more information is available in the saved json data. It would be even more interesting if we had the number of sales for individual products (see my hesitation above though ;)) My guess as to the discrepancy from official numbers is that this is only counting active products that show up in the default index (it seems that out of stock and possibly some markets don’t show up there?). Of course there are no guarantees to accuracy so take this with a grain of salt. And hopefully I’m not stepping on any toes.
Total Sellers: 384
Total Tindarians: 16 (4.2%)
Total Sellers with 0 sales: 110 (28.6%)
Total Sellers with at least 1 sale: 274 (71.4%)
Total Sellers with at least 5 sales: 167 (43.5%)
Total Sellers with at least 10 sales: 128 (33.3%)
Total Sellers with at least 25 sales: 72 (18.8%)
Total Sellers with at least 50 sales: 54 (14.1%)
Total Sellers with at least 100 sales: 35 (9.1%)
Total Sellers with at least 250 sales: 15 (3.9%)
Total Sellers with at least 500 sales: 5 (1.3%)
Total Products 1512
Total Reviews: 213 (14.1%)
Total Products with No Sales: 227 (15.0%)
Average Products per Seller: 3.94
Average Price per Product: 31.34
Top seller locations:
United States - 213 (55.5%)
United Kingdom - 25 (6.5%)
Canada - 23 (6.0%)
China - 20 (5.2%)
Australia - 13 (3.4%)
Germany - 8 (2.1%)
France - 7 (1.8%)
Switzerland - 5 (1.3%)
Sweden - 4 (1.0%)
Netherlands - 4 (1.0%)
Taiwan - 4 (1.0%)