MY Purchases not showing my purchase

Greetings, New Tindie user. I purchased an item last month via tindie (march 29) from seller in Taiwan.
I have not yet received it (usa).
Under “my purchases” in my account it shows No items listed.
Any ideas? thanks

Do you have a matching PayPal transaction?

It was paid thru visa Credit Card . I have the email from tindie with invoice etc… but it does not show under “my purchases”.

If it shows on your visa that Tindie took the money out then you should simply request a refund from them. If you don’t have any Tindie data to hold them accountable go to your credit card provider and find the online link that disputes the charge. Every time I do this all the parties get of the pot and/or start shi**ing. Until there is a bit of pressure on them they can’t be bothered.

Thanks for info. Seller has sent shipping info but no updates since it was shipped. Seller has excellent feedback and keeps me updated but mail delivery seems to be lacking. (taiwan to usa)
I’ll give it till next week (before my 30 days is up) and file cc dispute if needed…thx

I did have one item I bought from Asia that I disputed a while back and it had been stuck on a ship. It took an unbelievable amount of time to turn up but it finally did and I strangely felt relieved. But really, it’s no excuse. Telling people to wait weeks for stuff is unreasonable.

I am actually also a seller and I have had a few complaints shipping from US to Europe. Stuff gets lost, returned or delivered late and people complain even though I have a clear message posted that it will happen. But when I think about it, I should really not be trying to sell to people who may not get the product. It’s a complicated world right now.

Good luck that you will resolve your issue soon.