Looking for Tips on Creating a Do-It-Yourself Electronics Kit for Novices

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You’re proposing to enter a market that has many established competitors and no small number of failed members. I urge you to find some more original idea. Otherwise, you need to study marketing, education (especially STEM curriculum development), and basic electronics. Then, you need to study the products offered by existing market members. This will require time and money. But, until you’ve stood up these ducks, you’re not prepared to succeed. This may sound harsh. But, it’s MUCH less harsh than the likely consequences of pursuing a plan without proper preparation or of proceeding with no adequate plan. Best of luck, however you choose to proceed!

BTW, to pick just one example: Creating a high-quality but inexpensive product requires genius. Everyone wants to do it. But, very few possess the necessary prerequisites.

Finally, be prepared to fail–probably fail repeatedly. Learning is a potential product of failure. That is, generally speaking, without failure there is no learning. But, failure does not in itself ensure learning,

Again, the very best of luck in your endeavor!