I think I’ve damaged the EEPROM of my Ultimate Sensor Fusion Solution v.03 that was working.
EM7180 ROM Version: 0xE69
Should be: 0xE609
EM7180 RAM Version: 0x00
EM7180 ProductID: 0x80 Should be: 0x80
EM7180 RevisionID: 0x2 Should be: 0x02
EM7180 in initialized state!
No EEPROM detected!
EEPROM detected on the sensor bus!
EEPROM uploaded config file!
EEPROM CRC incorrect!
EM7180 in initialized state!
No EEPROM detected!
Beginning Parameter Adjustments
==> freezes
I would like to try FirmwareUpload.ino but I don’t have the default firmware file xxx.fw
as shipped by Tindie.