In case you missed it…. featured product edition

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Every Thursday we send out a curated list of featured products from Tindie. In case you missed it, here are last week’s products! ProtoCam+ The Raspberry Pi Camera Module Prototyping Board Raspberry PIIO – ArcadeIO add-on board (Kit only) Kit Only! Slim RFM69HW Breakout Board – 1km+ range Long range, easy to use, ISM band wireless RF module. Great for microcontroller / Arduino projects where you want an RF link. The Ultimate PCB ruler “A great reminder tool for all PCB designers” USB to Serial / UART 5V or 3.3V A USB to Serial adapter switchable between 3.3V and 5V with a 250mA 3.3V regulator and activity LEDs with Free Shipping WIFI temperature and humidity sensor and control WIFI temperature and humidity sensor and control using the ESP8266 WIFI module and a DHT11 temp/hum sensor. Sharp Memory LCD breakout A2 A small and simple breakout board for Sharp Memory LCD displays