In case you missed it…. featured product edition

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Every Thursday we send out a curated list of featured products from Tindie. In case you missed it, here are last week’s products! ATtiny Sensor Node PCB PCB for wireless sensor node with RFM12B transceiver projects Automatic Rubber Band Blaster Kit History trembled the day the Rubber Band Blaster was first forged. Firing ~10 rubber bands per second, instantly reloadable… AVRPi-328 for Raspberry Pi A+/B+/Pi2 AVRPi-328: Arduino compatible add on board for Raspberry Pi A+/B+/Pi2 GoBenthic – Specialized camera housing for GoPro Shooting videos at extreme depth or in extreme conditions? This is what you need to protect your GoPro pyMCU pyMCU – the python controlled microcontroller WIOT Board WIOT is an Arduino Compatible, Li-Ion Powered, Wireless Internet of Things (WIOT) Development Board Teensy 3.1 Breakout (Revision C) This kit allows you to easily work with 23 additional pins on the Teensy 3.1 development board!