How to Contact a Buyer

I made a mistake and shipped the wrong products to a buyer. As soon as I noticed this, I filled a second order, and shipped that one. Now, I need to contact the buyer to explain and to send him the new tracking number.

Hi Granzeier,

Thats a good question - you should have the buyer’s email and can contact them directly. That way.


I don’t have the email address, myself. And, I have not been able to find it on my Tindie Orders page. Any ideas of where to look?


I’m currently on a train but it would definitely be on the order page.
Right in the middle of the page?

Hmmm, there is a contact section, but the address is a Tindie address. Or, at least, the userID of the adress is “tindie” - but the server part is “”. Up until now, I have been assuming that this is an address set up by Tindie for this transaction. Perhaps this is the buyer’s actual address - I have set up some addresses with a userID of “paypal”. Does this seem to fit? Would Tindie show an address on the order page, which is other than the user’s?

Well, last night, I sent an explanation to the “tindie” address shown on my order page. Hopefully that will work.

Thanks, Emile.

Yep that is the one. I just checked the order, and that is their email.
Sometimes customers create email addresses for each site (
and it looks like that is what this customer did.

Thanks for your verification, Emile. I will follow up when I get a response (or get paid.)

I find that my customers sometimes use what seems like disposable e-mail addresses. This was an issue when one of them had an issue and contacted me through Tindie. When I contacted them back they never got my message that I had shipped them another unit. It worked out because they eventually contacted us directly.

Perhaps a simple warning that using disposable e-mails could lead to problems would help with that.