How to cancel order

I don’t see a way to cancel an order. I’m not able to fulfill the customers order at this time and my normal response is polite and prompt cancellation.

Logically- this should be something you can do in the order details… but I can’t seem to find any way to cancel an order anywhere.

Sure thing, if you tell us the order #s (probably best to email us at, we can cancel them. We will be releasing that feature in
the next day or so. It is built and we are currently testing \o/

Order is 16103


Cancelled! However in the future, please just email into support (instead of posting in the forums). Thanks!

Same here, I need to cancel a recent order. I just sent an email to Can you help with this?

Hi @HomeroLara,

Please wait patiently as someone from our support team reaches out :smiley:.

We appreciate your patience,

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