I’m just glad indiegogo does post-campaign back orders…
Without any way to do an AB test, I think it’s impossible to say definitively about the effect of backorders vs waitlists, particularly in the just-post-KS case. There are so many confounding variables, such as the UI and overall process for each option, that I don’t think it’s fair to extrapolate from your current data that waitlists are more effective than backorders globally.
My main concern is a bit broader: Tindie is moving away from things that help makers start and grow their businesses, and becoming just an online store with no real distinguishing features. Early on, Tindie’s crowdfunding-like preorders helped me run a low-impact preorder round for my first products, which gave me the capital I needed to produce the first run. Now, Tindie doesn’t offer that option: if a maker can’t afford to buy the parts to get started, they have to go elsewhere.
I can understand Tindie’s reluctance to be competing with KS in the crowdfunding business. But by systematically eliminating features that would provide makers with a head start, you’re removing any reason for people to use Tindie in the first place.
On crowdfunding, we will never compete with KS or Indiegogo. That ship sailed.
Tindie is built upon 2 things - community & in stock sales. The community - from hobbyists to Fortune 500 companies - is unique from every other marketplace out there. Any maker business gets visibility on Tindie for free to an increasing global community that you just don’t get anywhere else. The second part is in stock sales and the simple idea that maker’s should get the vast majority of the revenue. Compared to e-retail sites, our margins are dramatically better for maker businesses. As it stands today, the vast majority of online sales don’t happen on crowdfunding but with in-stock purchases. To simplify that - most customers do not want to be the test case for a crowdfunding campaign. Our business customers will never support crowdfunding campaigns as an example.
Your first point is correct - this is a bit of an apples to oranges comparison. However the reasons to “use Tindie in the first place” are very simple. Our data only shows that more and more people agree.
To add my two cents. Recently my fairly popular product went out of stock. In a few weeks I accumulated waitlist for 8 or so. Once restocked, exactly half became orders. Contrast that with the backorders system where all but one I ever had became an order. One fell through due to some credit card issue. So from that point of view I fail to see how waitlist is better. People who need my products need them, so they’d rather place a backorder and be assured of getting them rather than get on a waitlist, then go back and order. Seems like too much work for buyer and too much risk for seller. Similarly, when one can’t afford to stock too many widgets, backorder becomes a sort of just in time manufacturing.
I have taken a wait and see approach to the absence of backorders. I prefer backordering since it gives a more reliable measure of current demand and lets me prioritize which products to make on any given day. I too have had the experience of seeing a large number of waitlist interest not materialize as real orders when items are put back in stock. Since I make stock to order, as it were, this seems somewhat wasteful or at least skews the making priority. Eventually I will sell the stock but my take is this: with backorders, I had a more reliable indicator of the most urgently needed products that allowed an efficient use of my making time. With waitlisting, I get no useful information about real demand. All in all I would prefer to have backordering available again.
Pesky Products
Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this change. To answer the feedback, I wrote a longer post on this and other changes we’ve recently rolled out. Rather than post it here as a reply, I made a new thread for longer discussion…
I am experiencing a problem recently with the waiting list and lack of backorders.
Our product is in limited production - only 1 or 2 per week in stock.
When customers on the waiting list are notified, there is a rush to place an order. Some of the orders get delayed at Paypal, leaving a customer with a cancelled order. Is this happening to other Tindarians? Is my situation unique?
I’ve had several frustrated customers wanting to know why their orders were cancelled when they were the first to place the order, etc.
I know part of the problem is our limited supply, but at this time, customers have expressed that they do not want to resort to “rushing to beat out” other people on the waiting list. I know that I have lost at least one potential customer due to the lack of a backorder option, where orders can be filled in the order in which they came. Many have expressed a desire to “pre-pay” to assure their ability to receive our product when they come back in stock.
I know the reasoning for the waiting list, and the conversion rate. I also like the idea of customers rushing to place and order, but there IS a backlash to the demand and availability.
We are in the process of ramping up production, but it may be a month or so until this can happen.
In the meantime, I’m answering angry emails.
-Louis Steele
Vibrato, LLC.
This is actually a different issue relating to fraud. We’ve talked about this a bit in the past but the gist is we have our own fraud system on top of Paypal & Stripe. Any payment provider has their own checks in place but they all aren’t adequate enough. When a fraudulent order gets past them and us, the seller ships the order and then Tindie is on the hook for the full amount once the processor notifies us it was fraudulent. Not a good thing…
To put some perspective on this, we have caught tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent orders. These are orders sellers and Tindie are protected from.
Some orders that come in, flag us for a manual check. The catch comes when many people order a product with limited inventory and an early order(s) were caught by our spam filter for manual verification. Therefore the early customer’s order was flagged for manual review - meanwhile another customer buys the inventory out from under that person. Not a good thing - and we agree its an issue.
This is really a tough situation because everyone is emailed once a product comes in.
One solution - batch the emails so everyone isn’t notified at once. That way we slow the current problem.
Another - we deduct inventory totals for orders that were flagged by the system. Currently we do not, which is what gets us into this situation. The problem comes when people come to Tindie, see its sold out, but then we put them back in stock and then what should we do? Notify people again? Probably not the best solution…
However I’m open to ideas on this. We are trying to protect everyone involved from fraud (a good thing). If payment processors were more safe, we wouldn’t have this situation. Unfortunately that isn’t the case so we do have to act on top of their systems.
Thanks for explaining this to me! It does shed light on the reasoning, and brings up questions in my mind about the people who contact me wanting to circumvent Tindie and buy direct from me. Could these be fraudulent buyers!?
I did offer one irate customer free shipping and to invoice him thru Paypal because of his cancelled order. He never responded ( the “customer I lost”).
Thanks for your attention to this.
It’s hard to say without more data on that customer. It is for good reason
- and I really mean it, I’m totally up for a better system if anyone can
think of one. Fraud is a tricky problem
Back to this topic- once again I see situations where people sign up for waitlist, I restock and then get 0 of conversions to real orders. Can we please bring backorders back? I am yet to see the logic of how it would hurt Tindie!
There are so many sellers that would like that reimplemented…
Anyway, have a look at crowd supply in the worst case.
Maybe the new (and old) overlords could change their mind?
I’ll be posting a blog post later this week of our plans for the next 90 days. We have been busy getting everything merged. Now that is done, we can begin working on the future.
So stay tuned…
Emile: how is that update coming along?
Let me jump in! At the risk of giving up too much information - one item from the blog post that I will share with everyone tomorrow -ish (yes, possibly stealing my thunder
-> backorders are on the roadmap. There, I said it and now we have to build it. Sequencing and timing TBD but we have plans to implement backorders. If that looks good, preorders will be something we look to implement going forward, but as I’ll outline in my post, that’s a much harder thing to do as you’re betting on someone’s ability to build stuff, rather than the experience they have already demonstrated. To make that work well for buyers, it’s a touchy thing to get right. So as it stands…heard it hear first…backorders will be implemented. No promises just yet on when that’ll happen but it’s on “the list”.
Best regards,
As the forum has just helpfully told me, the last response was 190 days ago. Any news on getting backorders back?
+1 - You are losing commission Tnidie. Instead of clicking the wishlist button people are simply e-mailing us directly. At which point we send them a PayPal invoice for their pre-order. We would love the extra layer of Tindie for financial security reasons but since this isn’t a feature we do what we need to do.