So, my Tsunami KS is about to come to an end, and I’m considering how best to support preorders. For my previous KS, I stuck a big link up the top to Tindie, and took preorders there, which worked really well*.
However, with the changes now I can’t do that any longer. Tindie’s data says I should still send people here so they can click the “notify me” button when it’s in stock, and that I’ll get a larger conversion rate if I do.
I’m prepared to believe that data for ‘internal’ Tindie orders on existing products, but what about a just-finished KS? Everyone in the KS round just ‘preordered’ my product and had no trouble doing so; to direct latecomers now to a page where they can only ask to be reminded when it’s out seems like throwing sales away.
What do you think? Is the propensity to buy for a visitor coming from a recently finished Kickstarter page higher than average? Will I lose out by disregarding preorders in favor of reminders?
Better yet, is there a way I can use this opportunity to run a trial and find out?