Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here but I think I should due to the importance of the topic. Not long ago I came across on Aliexpress with a design I created and I sell on Tindie. This outraged me as it is my design and while it is true that have uploaded it to different electronic-related websites, it is under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-Non-Commercial-Sharealike) so no one can benefit from selling my design. This is my design and this is what they are selling. They do not mind copying exactly as it is.
I contacted Aliexpress but they told me to file a report through their Intelectual Property platform they ask for a patent number, something that I don’t have and I guess most of the people who sell here don’t have either as we (mostly) aren’t professional seller, just hobbyists that want to share or give away their stock.
So, I haven’t found a way to report that product on Aliexpress and the worst thing is that such “Company/seller” is also copying another PCB Designs that I have seen here on Tindie. Please check the following links because I think many of you might have seen the same designs as me here.
I am posting this to see if anyone knows what to do or at least to let you know what is happening.
Many thanks for your help.