New Features Launch Today!

Hi Tindarians!

Good news! We pushed a lot of awesome changes today for you. Here is a quick rundown of what you will see that is new:

  • Vacation Mode: It’s here! You can now set your store to vacation mode while you are away and buyers will be able to view your store and products but will be unable to check out with them. They will get a message in two places- at the top of the product page and over the checkout button.

  • Message warning to save progress before leaving a page: This will help prevent you from losing your hard work creating a product if you accidentally try to leave the page without saving!

  • Ability to add more than one photo when creating a product: Now when
    you first create a product, you can add more than one photo!

  • Inventory adjustment with refunds with email confirmations: Whenever
    you refund a product, the inventory will now correctly adjust and you
    will receive a confirmation email for your records.

  • Additional CSV export columns: You now have both the Tindie fee and
    payment processing fee available.

Our next round of features will be out soon and you will get another update. Until then, thank you again for being an awesome community!



You rock :smile:

Thanks a lot!

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Thanks Limpkin! Working on round 2 of features now. Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Hi Amber,
The new features are awesome. Thank you for the vacation mode feature, which was a must. A while ago, I shared my views on the importance of annual sales report for tax purpose. I posted it here:

Tax time will be at door soon. It would be really nice if we could have an annual sales report included in your next round of features so that sellers will have an easy tax filing.

Hey Raj,

Indeed! Taxes are super important. Never fear, it is on the list! I’m excited about this one because I know it’s been a hot request (and an important one!).

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