Is API now dead?

Is API now officially dead? The link to the blog post leads nowhere and request to the api like returns {“error_message”: “Sorry, this request could not be processed. Please try again later.”}

I just have bought a label printer… :smile:

Hey, it still works. Can you email me so I can debug with you? amber (at)

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I’m trying to access this URL:

If I change api key or username, I get an empty page as a response,
but if I specify the correct username and apie key I get an error:
{“error_message”: “Sorry, this request could not be processed. Please
try again later.”}

And yeah, the link in the API sections leads to 404 – that’s why I
thought API is decomissioned.

Okay, I could not figure this one out on my own so I created a ticket with Engineering. As soon as I hear back from them, I will let you know.

Okay, Julia figured it out. The API isn’t supporting special characters and your shipping company is AB Lietuvos paštas, which as a special character. Working on a fix now.

Annnnddd you are all set! It should be working now. Let me know if it isn’t :slight_smile:

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aha!1!! still not using UTF aren’t we? :wink:
thanks, now everything works just fine.

I just have two stuck orders:

19859, 16845 is there a possibility to get rid of those?

:slight_smile: I have no idea, that stuff is a bit over my head, haha.

I asked Julia about the two stuck orders. We don’t have the ability to clear that right now, but we put it on the list of things to implement.

@ambercunningham Just a note, the link provided in this post (…&api_key=…) contains what appears to be personal customer information (emails, addresses, etc). Additionally, there doesn’t appear to be a way to RESET or REVOKE an API key which is quite unsecure. I would, at a minimum, suggest you redact the username and api key in that post and probably reset, revoke, or renew the API key for that user in your backend.

On an unrelated note, are there plans for a more fully featured API? I’d like to integrated Tindie into a project I’m working on and I need to be able to pull product costs and shipping rates via the API. Ultimately the project would send customers over to Tindie so this would be a “win-win” for us both!

Thanks. I can’t get the link to work but will check into it. Where did you go to find that link, just on the API tab under your store?

Yes, we will be working on API after we have everything smoothly transitioned over. Having shipping in it was my first thing I wanted to get looked at on the API side. Should be taken care of in the near future.

That link is in the 3rd post of this forum thread.

Is there an API roadmap? I’d love to see what is planned

I like the read ‘orders’ api so far - however I think I have just found a glitch - 60491 gives newline characters in the
u’shipping_street’: u’123 Tent St.\n\n’, <— (address changed)

I can fix this on my side, but looks like a strange thing to happen since the newlines are not presented in the web interface.

Is there any documentation for the API actually?


Hello Marcel,

this is odd. I’ll see if it’s happening on any other orders. I imagine it’s from address line 2 and 3.

There is very limited info about the API here:

If you notice any other issues, you’ll get a faster response contacting us here:
